
Helluvagood. and pointless posting.

I went to bed at 9:30 and here I am at 1am. wide awake.
with heartburn.
Do you know why?
I will tell you why,
or show you...

I could NOT stop eating horseradish.
Horseradish. Like it was cookie dough ice cream.
I was making Billy burger's ( my dad used to make us these with chocolate milk shakes at least once a week ). It's like a grilled cheese sandwich ( very cheesey ) with ground sirloin patties.. he makes them ultra thin.. i have yet to figure out how...

and all the while making the burgs and home fries.. i kept shoveling bites of Horseradish down my trap.
Horseradish=1am heartburn... and i hate taking rolaids.. it's worse when you are woke up by your babies at 6am and your mouth taste likes rolaids ( cherry )
so this is my view right now..

Is it weird that I am sitting in the dark with just the stove?
ah... well..
sooo i'll be weird and do this:

bwahahaha.. you wanted to see my baby bump didnt you?
sorry.. i'll share soon, had to tease, shawn got me those boots i'm wearing and i'm trying to figure out if i wear them with my non jeggings, maternity pants tucked in, or just keep them out, i feel kind of goofy with them tucked in. they are ohhhh so warm. Curing my biggest complaint which is how cold my feet stay in this old house all winter.. "saaa-weeeetuh!!"

cool matching glovey things without the fingertips and hat too.
well, i guess i should try and go back to sleep now.. since my kids are up everyday anywhere between 5:30am-6:30am..
Lordy, help me! :)
2 more days and it's Christmas.
I sad.
because before I know it. It'll will be gone!
slow down time!!
and as i typed that last line, little baby Pippa is drummin' away in my belly!
:) figures ( and i grin )

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