
Will the person visiting from Canton, Massachusetts please introduce themself!?

* MAMACHANGA! You are too awesome right now, i can't take it!*
I know I keep promising to blog, and pictures and such.. but, I have been insanely busy. Kids.Dishes.Editing.trying to loose 10lbs in two weeks. keeping this house ridiculously perfectly clean & tidy, because I love my husband THAT much.
it's hard.
messy kids, 3 of them.
make it hard. i've had to remove chairs from everywhere, so as not to sit down.
gotta keep movin' don't stop...
***ok so the purpose to this post:***
AHEM, COUGH: Canton, Massachusetts arrived from juliegendron.com on "Mom.wife.camera." Please stand up! If you wanna email me:
It's neat and I like seeing who and how many and where people come to visit from.
I know most of them click right off because this blog is such a bore. but its still neat.
There are a few locations that come up multiple, 5-8 times a day. Ogden, Utah..
North Carolina, and such. And I wonder who these readers are. sometimes i click back like when it says:
Ogden, Utah arrived from jennandjoefamily.blogspot.com on "Mom.wife.camera.".
11:55:36 -- 5 hours 27 mins ago
but then the user is private, and im like hmm.. then how are they getting linked to muah? who knows?
I am a warm hearted gal, i mean you no harm. I am just curious. SO
will the user who visits I right now know as
Canton, Massachusetts arrived from juliegendron.com on "Mom.wife.camera.".
1 hr 31 mins ago
3 hrs 42 mins ago
5 hrs 58 mins ago
7 hrs 19 mins ago
8 hrs 29 mins ago
and yesterday and the days before that.
I'd like to meet you, mean you no harm. "0)
Thanks, that'd be great!
Thanks Loves,
Julie G


Lake Placid!

Here we come June 14-16!
Shawn plans on flyfishing the whole time, not sure what i will do besides chase after Maive and keep my kiddies busy, i'll have my sense or humore, and it will be great to get a way and unplug! BUT, maybe it would be a good time to invest in a cell phone.
NO JOKE, our little family does not own a cell phone.
Another mail carrier shawn works, Tim Driscoll & his wife, invited us up to their cabin. SO off we go! Lord I pray this circus of a family doesnt make them regret their invite and make them need a vaca from our stay. OH BUT I am so PSYCHED for our first little family vaca!
I'm excited but also wondering what the cabin will be like, where it is.
How will the baby sleep? Will my kids eat well, all these worries.
Deep breath. It will be GREAT!
I know Shawn needs this, flyfishing is so great for his soul, awesome God time, so restoring!
I'm hoping to escape a little bit, and venture out and get some pictures of course,
speaking of pictures, tomorrow! I promise to post some, I've been so crazy busy lately, no time in front of the computer.
I contacted a photographer in the area, http://www.raebarnes.com/
to see if she would be able to do some pics!
SO exciting! I Hope she says yes, and I hope i can come up with the $$$ for it as well!
6 years in August it will be. God blessed me beyond my hearts deepest desires that day. I have around 10 pictures from that day, since then it's been all kid pictures as each has been born, so i'm hoping to get someones of me and him, and our love, i hope it glows, and of course our silly little peanuts! OH.. ok
well my creative juices are flowing, i am going to attempt to go to sleep and not stare at the crack in the wall, meanwhile all these ideas, and dreams and aspirations are flowing circles in my head! Check back tomorrow for some pics!

Aiva's first still life! le petite artiste!


better half my....

A few days ago i slammed my husband when I saw this commercial and had to have him come in, I stood there in the living room rewinding with my little smirk on my face. YOu see, Shawn is a control freak. I love my control freak, but sometimes his control issues make him look silly! I totally connected with this ad.. he had his side smirk going on when the ad ended, and then gave me his " I dissaprove " eyebrows!

Last night, we watched the tellie for a bit, and saw this ad.
yeah Shawn laughed and laughed and watched it AGAIN!
how pathetic are we?
He totally dubbed this "soo julie.."
psshhh whatever, like 5 years ago!

haha! well, shawn has off tomorrow. LORD, help me love my husband better!


OH Snap! -Elmo

I had to share this since some of you are pheMOMinal photog friends, or I know others will love this:
errr.. you can't buy it online!!
Our store at the mall still does not have it. I've braved the mall with 2 out of my 3 kids twice this month only to be let down! it's ok, it's just a tshirt! 'o)
Tuesday is my nuts day, i'm looking forward tomorrow to playing outside with my 3 G's, making a big lunch of pancakes and breakfast yums, planting flowers, and blogging about 4 very important people that brought me where i am today. and spinning on the bike or kick punch crunchin' it!
today i did:
-got three kids dressed
-changed 2 diapers
-scavenged for the one pair of jeans that is barely fitting me right now.
-got aidan off to school.
-came home
-doll house time
-chased maive
-talked to deb
-put dishes away
-cleaned fridge
-made shawn and us a huge picnic lunch
-picked up aidan at school.
-saw daddy for lunch.
-came home
-went to deanna's house.
-came home got aiva ready for dance
-dance class.
-met shawn and got some flwrs at Nanticoke Gardens.
-came home.
-kids to bed.
-swept the floors and talked to Kristin.
-cleaned entire bathroom.
-shawn got home at 10:38 from mens bible study.
-ice cream 2gether.
-typing here.


LOVE, Love. I love me some love!

See, see!
Yeah it totally gave me the warmest fuzzies, swelling of my heart and tearing to my eyes.
Seeing that Megan has nearly 400 followers on her site, I'm wondering how she could have picked me? Wow, usually when people say nice things to me verbally, for some reason I always mentally block it, and walk away from the convo trying to remember what they said. So to read some nice things about myself, and choosing to believe the words, it did a number on my heart and...

Megan, I just havent been able to find prettier words, or a more poetic way other than to say thank you. I know it's blunt. I would love to write like how Anne Shirley would go on describing things in delicious detail. I think it's this cold that's fogging up my brain.
I just know that what you wrote, that awesome pic of the book open with pics and words {{I LOVE LOVE LOVE}} and really would like it to be my banner on the blog rather than the pinwheel and me.. name your price!
I took the opportunity to write some family and friends that I have not been in contact with for quite sometime, most of which are not internet savvy, but none the less, everyone is so proud, your blog, your shabby blog background, your words and kindness, the time you take to always send me a sweet message, your genuineness.. i just feel like a million bucks! wait, im sorry i hate money.. I feel very special!
Thank you for lifting this mom's heart, for appreciating my love for photography, for making new friends, for getting a peice of my heart and loving my kids and life the way I do too!
I love love, I love being loved, loving others, spread the love, feeeeel the love!

Also, I am excited to add, my sister is coming to visit in JULY!!
yay! And then.. Coming end of November-first week December we're traveling down to Florida! AHHH! I Know!!! Crazy excited! Gonna rent a van and go for it! I can't wait. And Dawn's birthday is December 1. I got to spend her birthday with her back in 2001, when she came up and we had a sleep over at her Aunt janet's cabin on the lake! Aww, that night was so fun! I also discovered Dawn does not breath, move or make a peep when she sleeps, it took me so long to fall asleep because i wondered, " good Lord woman are you dead? and I tried to not make a noise or move as well!
maybe she was awake doing the same thing.
Also, Dawn, I hope you get a kick out of this..
20-21 years ago, Dawnie moved to Florida, she was young, i was like 4 or 5, and you gave me this bear!

Snowball, I know.. haha..
has been rescued from many a yard sale, garbage bags, and moving..
he's been on many trips..
always there to snuggle me through many a strep throat, tonsilitus, ear aches and always braved sleeping on the edge of the bed while I was wedged against the wall incase a monster should stop by in the night. He even let me scratch his belly and face, as I braved chicken pocks at age 15! yeah what a wonderful summer/birthday that was, everytime i went into town i laid down on the backseat of the car and smothered myself in snowball. Chicken pocks and puberty at age 15 totally rocked that summer!
You may see it immature that me, pushing 26 still loves this old bear, but hey, im still a kid at heart, i always will be, me and snowball have been through it all baby, and he makes me think of my sister everytime i look at him. 'o)
Tomorrow is crazy tuesday for me, but wednesday I will be answering some of the comments, and questions I recieved due to Megan's Shabby blog feature! A big chunk of this post will also be, who, what inspired me, to be where I am today. It's gonna be good!
My sisi and her son, cousin NOAH! {yes, i took a pic of this on our fridge}

ah..snowball.. Is it ridiculous that I made it a point to snuggle/do a photoshoot of my stuffed bear and I? shhush.. you, no answers!
my dad came to visit this weekend and we really enjoyed each other, and the kids, and a thunderstorm. his health is better.. i loved this of scoots snuggled to him after having a nightmare. I swear to you, she reserves all her snuggle time for him! It's so sweet, and yet a little irritating, i cant get her to do that with me! and I'm the mom!

who doesnt love a baby tushy! I know I do.. so stinkin tiny and cute! SMILE!

MY little carrots, once again, ill mention, God has given me all the desires of my heart, and the last one was a little Anne Shirley! "carrots" temper and all, minus the whole orphan thing.. and Maive if you ever die your hair, and it ends up green! oh dear...


Happy 101th!

FOR REAL? 100 Posts! WOW, even if it read like 50, i would be all.. no way..
HUH, WELL, I WOULD go through and view for myself that I've indeed posted 100 times, but I'm to lazy & tired too. Actually, I'm coming down with the spring cold..
Since this is my 101th post, i will weave in & out of these pretty photos some of my favorite times in the past 4 years that I don't believe I've blogged about.

background on these pics:
Aiva had a cold, and Aidan needed a nap and both slept 3 hrs. Maive however is getting her last molar in, and also was beginning to get the cold Aiva passed on to her. She didnt nap, instead she cried, cranked it up and I was failing at consoling her.
We walked, and rocked outside, nothing worked. Until i crossed the road and found a patch of yellow flowers and "pooofy heads" dandelions. Made for some pretty pics, but my favorite is "playing" with them on Corel.

She does have dried cupcake icing on her upper lip, but it was crusted on her, and she was so miserable that to wipe it off would be torture, so I left it.

When I was pregnant with Maive, Aiva was such a beautiful mini mama. She was and still does help, is so genuinely caring & loving. We would snuggle together, her head up against my belly listening, being careful not to smush her baby sis. We named her baby ellie, because she thought the baby was making elephant noises. I was just hungry.. as usual. She started reading to her brother too, she knows alot of books by heart, without reading the words, she knew when to turn the page and did all the sounds and noises, aidan loved it, and so did I. She had to do this when I was sick, and watched from the relection in the door window from the bathroom. Although in pain, it made me soo appreciate her, love her and pray for her, my cupeth overflowed some more!

I miss when we brought our first born home { Aiva } and that new mommyness. new baby smell. everything is new. how soft the carpet was in her room. My favorite was at the old house. All is quiet and I'm rocking Aiva to sleep, so tiny and fragile, all tucked in my neck, cocooned to me. Oh her sweet sleep baby sighs. They were exhales, but the sound they made were full, contented tiny baby girl sighs. So lovely, they used to lull me to sleep and I remembered never wanting to forget that!

Late nights with Aidan, he was a talker right from the get go, ironic i know. But as a newborn on until 1 year, this little guy, just ooooed and ahhhed and bluebewwwbfffped all hours of the night. He was always bright eyed and eager for me to feed him and sing to him. I loved how little Aiva ( who was Maive's size now ) cared for him even then. A baby herself. A baby mama!

This winter we bundled everyone up the first week of December. Owego, NY started holding a yearly festival. Carolers singing, lights, beautiful shops, cocoa, horse drawn wagons. It was so freezing, maive was bundled in a suit that was too small, but somehow i managed to stuff her in it. She was comfy to carry in that, and easy to hold on to. I remember her rosy cheeks and blue eyes taking everything. We walked behind Shawn, Aiva & Aidan. Each child holding to Shawn's gloved hands, Aidan with his Eskimo hood on, big coat, little legs and boots, looking totally unporportional. AIdan would announce "RAACE!" with that he began running those little legs in baby steps, hood bobbing up and down, dragging daddy and Aiva along. It was hilarious! Later that night everyone gathered in the center facing the bridge as the let off the most beautiful fireworks...
It was soo cold that night, no breeze. I honestly cant tell you any other time I think I've seen such beautiful fireworks. We sat on the curb looking straight up ( nearly ) over our heads. I found myself staring along with everyone else, jaw dropped, throat getting soar.. the repeated this one type of firework for over two minutes probably that were white to golden.. it spread it's arms out and it was just soo huge, then these beautiful sparkly like pixie dusts would just slowly sprinkle to the ground. It seemed slow motion. I looked over at Aiva, her eyes huge, motionless, jaw dropped. I smiled and could see the tiny relections of the sparkly fireworks in the gloss of her eye. I leaned over and nudged her, she looked and smiled at me and said with a whisper. "Mommy, I think tinkerbell is up there..."
I teared!

I have so much more to add, but you're tired of reading, and I coming down with the girl's spring cold. So off to bed I go. I wont blog for a while probably, but when I do, i hope to share a little more and post some more pretty pics!

Aiva had a much better day today.
Tomorrow no more boogers girls, okay?


well, i tried keeping this a secret.. but.'


I enjoy and accolade like the rest...

You totally can't tell i as spinning really fast. and no alcohol was consumed in the making of this moment... its just how i roll..

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones!

I write a lot in a journal. I have horrible penmanship though. Blogging is convenient because typing your thoughts and words is so much faster! I definitely don’t blog as much as I’d like to, but now maybe receiving this request, maybe this is my clue share more often!
* Also, might I add.. never is my blog a way to brag about my life, or show off my kids or what not. I never think or intend that. I am a very blessed woman and not a day goes by that i remember that I was not supposed to bare children. be a mommy, or destined to make someone a good wife. All the curses that were spoken against me for 18 years came to an end, and the GOOD Lord blessed me with the desires in my heart.
I simply want to humbly share my life, keep myself on the "big picture" and blogging is my break and outlet, when the kids are entertained or napping. *
Megan from Shabbyblogs.com wrote:

It's feature time again at Shabby Blogs and I can think of no one I would rather feature than you! Your dreamy photos, rad music, and writing style are pretty much spectacular, young lady. Visiting your blog makes me happy. So...how about it? If you're interested, please respond to the following questions.

and in regards to my response she wrote again:

Aw. That's so sweet! I am so glad you are excited. I am too! :) And you are absolutely deserving! I have a seriously short attention span and I can't even tell you how many blogs I just take a peek at and click past. I know that sounds terrible and I don't mean to be rude. Hopefully, you know what I mean. The point of my features is to highlight blogs that I visit and want to stay on, want to check in with, want to see more of. I like blogs that make me feel something. More often than not, these aren't the blogs with 5,000 followers and a million comments on each post...and I like that. I like discovering people who are out there, just quietly doing their thing and being awesome. That's you, my dear. :) Don't change a thing.

* People tell me the most:
1.) Don't ever change
2.) I'm so glad someone's procreating and actually making beautiful people who are going to make the world a better place.
3.) Your children are a testament to your love, I can tell you are good parents, when we ask how so? the reply is that children are a mirror of our parenting? i mean makes sense eh?
* those are some delightful & thought provoking comments eh? i shy away from comments and usually block or ignore when people tell me "pwiddy things", but those are the ones that break through and make a girl all warm inside.- my mom believed it was like a sin or something to listen to them or what not, to not let them go to your head, or be flattered because it would like make me sick or something. SO i believed her. I like them though, and I'm choosing to hear them more, let them go to my heart, not my head, and up my self esteem a bit!

My heart skipped a beat, a permagrin plastered my face for an hour or so after receiving those emails from Megan of Shabby blogs.
I dont feel as if I live up to the "little miss sunshine" things that she wrote. and
really nothing eventful has been going on in my life. just the little day to day gifts living out here in the country raising my 3 musketeers. So if she writes about me on her blog, and people come on over and visit here I'm afraid their reaction will be: " what's the big deal about this chick!" moving on..

* there new thing today: on the way home from seeing daddy at lunch time, the three of them decided to repeat " weeeeeeeeee.. weeeeeeeeeeeee.. weeeeeee.." over and over again, in the most precious, princessy soft girly voice, yes Aidan too.. it was cute.

They all have a different laugh but evey now and then they break out in unison in this giggle. At the same time, and it sounds the same, Aiva, Aidan and Maive, in full stereo, three children one laugh! I feel my cheeks tighten, my lips curl into a big mommy goofey grin, and I burst out in laughter with them.
I am grateful for a genuine moment like that, it’s a precious break from the busy days that go by so fast. Checkin’ off the to do lists, drop off’s pick ups, drowning in your own inner thoughts. It’s those moments that catch you buy surprise that I don’t want to forget.

Blogging is a wonderful way to document these, and also share your heart and the things that make it beat with friends family and maybe a another mom, or aspiring photographer who needed a pickme up, or a smile. I love reading other mom blogs, because as a stay @ home mom, in the country ( especially in the long winter months ) it can become quite lonely. Other mom’s blog about this, and it makes you feel not so alone. Sometimes you’ll read words that were exactly the thought that was going through your head while doing the dishes. It gives you a kick! Also you can learn ideas, to help keep the kids entertained, or yourself! A year ago, I discovered photographer's blogs, and just got blessed at how giving some are out there. Posting tutorials, videos, explaining techniques and tips. I learned so much from photog. Blogs I got a DSLR, learned to shoot manually, and I get encouraged, inspired all through someone posting.

Blogs.. but really, what does BLOG stand for? i guess it's better to say BLOG, then Online Journal, electric journal?

and because it's lame to post w/o pics, here are some from last summer that still crack me up:

Maive and Aiva giggling because Aiva was making silly faces and noises

during mid baby giggle, Maive inhaled a gnat.. and "AAACK!"

and resumed giggling...

PheMOMinal part 3.

MY fellow MOM*tog and I got together a few days ago!
See her in action!

3 Sundays ago while i was out photographying a family up North a guy ( JOE ) stopped by and introduced himself to Shawn and invited us up to their house the following sunday.
Well, We made friends with two families that day in which, we all have three children, who are all around the same age and will be going to school together! How lucky we are to be able to have lifelong friends to grow up with! They are all so sweet and we've been getting together every sunday afternoon, us parents, both moms and dads keep saying " Our kids play really good together! " I am so greatful and don't feel so lonely out here in the country! We all live within 2 miles of each other!! Deanna and Kristy both said, that they've wanted to stop when they'd drive by and see me out with my kids, especially when we were all pregnant, my reply was of course " UH YEAH! YOU SHOULD HAVE! " They are so awesome and chill, and just fun to be around, I love that we're all going through the same stuff, and are pretty much on the same page! I love the country I am so excited about summer! Thanks for finally introducing yourselves!

Shane, Aiva, Hannah are 4 and 5
Emmie, Aidan and Jimmy are 3
Lilly, Maverick, will be 1 in July, and Maive 16 months!