See, see!
http://shabbyblogsblog.blogspot.com/2009/05/featured-shabby-blogger.html Yeah it totally gave me the warmest fuzzies, swelling of my heart and tearing to my eyes.
Seeing that Megan has nearly 400 followers on her site, I'm wondering how she could have picked me? Wow, usually when people say nice things to me verbally, for some reason I always mentally block it, and walk away from the convo trying to remember what they said. So to read some nice things about myself, and choosing to believe the words, it did a number on my heart and...

Megan, I just havent been able to find prettier words, or a more poetic way other than to say thank you. I know it's blunt. I would love to write like how Anne Shirley would go on describing things in delicious detail. I think it's this cold that's fogging up my brain.
I just know that what you wrote, that awesome pic of the book open with pics and words {{I LOVE LOVE LOVE}} and really would like it to be my banner on the blog rather than the pinwheel and me.. name your price!
I took the opportunity to write some family and friends that I have not been in contact with for quite sometime, most of which are not internet savvy, but none the less, everyone is so proud, your blog, your shabby blog background, your words and kindness, the time you take to always send me a sweet message, your genuineness.. i just feel like a million bucks! wait, im sorry i hate money.. I feel very special!
Thank you for lifting this mom's heart, for appreciating my love for photography, for making new friends, for getting a peice of my heart and loving my kids and life the way I do too!
I love love, I love being loved, loving others, spread the love, feeeeel the love!
Also, I am excited to add, my sister is coming to visit in JULY!!
yay! And then.. Coming end of November-first week December we're traveling down to Florida! AHHH! I Know!!! Crazy excited! Gonna rent a van and go for it! I can't wait. And Dawn's birthday is December 1. I got to spend her birthday with her back in 2001, when she came up and we had a sleep over at her Aunt janet's cabin on the lake! Aww, that night was so fun! I also discovered Dawn does not breath, move or make a peep when she sleeps, it took me so long to fall asleep because i wondered, " good Lord woman are you dead? and I tried to not make a noise or move as well!
maybe she was awake doing the same thing.
Also, Dawn, I hope you get a kick out of this..
20-21 years ago, Dawnie moved to Florida, she was young, i was like 4 or 5, and you gave me this bear!

Snowball, I know.. haha..
has been rescued from many a yard sale, garbage bags, and moving..
he's been on many trips..
always there to snuggle me through many a strep throat, tonsilitus, ear aches and always braved sleeping on the edge of the bed while I was wedged against the wall incase a monster should stop by in the night. He even let me scratch his belly and face, as I braved chicken pocks at age 15! yeah what a wonderful summer/birthday that was, everytime i went into town i laid down on the backseat of the car and smothered myself in snowball. Chicken pocks and puberty at age 15 totally rocked that summer!
You may see it immature that me, pushing 26 still loves this old bear, but hey, im still a kid at heart, i always will be, me and snowball have been through it all baby, and he makes me think of my sister everytime i look at him. 'o)
Tomorrow is crazy tuesday for me, but wednesday I will be answering some of the comments, and questions I recieved due to Megan's Shabby blog feature! A big chunk of this post will also be, who, what inspired me, to be where I am today. It's gonna be good!

My sisi and her son, cousin NOAH! {yes, i took a pic of this on our fridge}

ah..snowball.. Is it ridiculous that I made it a point to snuggle/do a photoshoot of my stuffed bear and I? shhush.. you, no answers!

my dad came to visit this weekend and we really enjoyed each other, and the kids, and a thunderstorm. his health is better.. i loved this of scoots snuggled to him after having a nightmare. I swear to you, she reserves all her snuggle time for him! It's so sweet, and yet a little irritating, i cant get her to do that with me! and I'm the mom!
who doesnt love a baby tushy! I know I do.. so stinkin tiny and cute! SMILE!

MY little carrots, once again, ill mention, God has given me all the desires of my heart, and the last one was a little Anne Shirley! "carrots" temper and all, minus the whole orphan thing.. and Maive if you ever die your hair, and it ends up green! oh dear...